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how long does enanthate and EQ remain detectable in the body?

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How long does enanthate and EQ remain detectable in the body?

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I'd be more worried about the EQ. I've heard reports of people failing a drug test a little less than a year later. I would never do EQ or deca if I thought I was going to be drug tested at any point.

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I have a friend who is starting a cycle of enanthate/EQ next friday and he is probably going to be tested come mid-june or early-july. Are there ways to beat the test? If so, what are they? So basically, eliminate the EQ and stick with a straight dose of enanthate. Hopefully, the enanthate will clear his body within a few weeks. Any suggestions?

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Are the specifically going to be testing for AAS? I worked at a company that made drug tests and companies usually don't spring for every test unless they have reason. Here is a short list of drugs they can test for:

coke(actually, the coke metabolie benzylcoginone (sp?)




benzodiazepam (valium)


and so forth.

Mary Jane is actually a relatively expensive test, but they usually throw that in. Specific AAS testing is very expensive and not done outside of sports/competition.

What they can do is a T/E ratio test. Problem is that prohormones can skew it and they can't make you stop taking them, so that is one excuse that can be used. However, if they do do T/E testing and you consistently fail, they may decide to do some specific AAS testing. Just ime (in my experience).

My humble opinion: if they are going to be testing for AAS in June, AND it's not sport or competition related, I wouldn't do the cycle until then. Laterz.

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Yeah, MM's right I was on juice during my probation for 2 years and was tested every month and nothing. So unless it's sports related I wouldn't worry...FLU

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Oh yeah I forgot to say for me and my friends 9 out of 10 times those masking cover drinks work from GNC too...

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As of early 2000, the most effective masking agent was something called Stealth.

In addition to making drug tests, my company made adulteration tests. For example:

nitrate/nitrite test: test for Urin-Ade
Specific Gravity test: test if too much water was drunk or water was added to sample
pH: test whether bleach was added (just one of a bunch).
There are tons of these adulterant tests; but you can ALWAYS stay one step ahead (for example, we were working on a test for Stealth when I quit in mid-late 2000, so, up till then, Stealth was fine).

BTW, most of the teas and stuff DO work. However, some are scams, so don't always rely on them.


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The test is sports related. Professional sports at that. I was talking with Tadger and he said to drop the EQ and stick with enanthate and throw in D-bol. What do you guys think? 10 weeks of enanthate and of d-bol. Any suggestions. Remember, the window for this stuff to clear or at least return to normal test/epitest ratio is ~4-6 weeks.
thanx freakz,

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As usual, Tadger is right on, imo.

Yeah, drop the EQ and add in something oral, like D-bol. I suppose you could go for Anavar or winny tabs or something, but I wouldn't see the point in doing anything but Dbol.

As long as I'm thinking about it, does anybody know the clearance for oral tren? It's as expensive as hell, esp. when compared to fina, but I'm just curious.



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Ways to beat the test:

Watch "The Program"

Movie about college football players. Everything the roid dude does works (having fake urine (if it is going to be on you, make sure it is strapped somewhere warm since most urine collection cups for testing have a paper thermometer on the side, so it needs to be body temp), having a 'urine transplant' (although I've heard of people using normal cathaters (sp?) instead of the method he uses; but you have to do it relatively soon before.

Adding adulterants to your urine is another way. It really depends on how they are going to test him (watch him go in a cup, etc.).

Good luck.

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Originally posted by ajax259
How long does enanthate and EQ remain detectable in the body?

To answer your ?, equipoise is detectable to btwn 4-5 months; enanthate is 3 months.

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Another thing to keep in mind is that they may test for things like HCG and clomid as well. I can't recall the detection time for HCG. Clomid has a halflife of 7 days or so, and some metabolites are recycled by the liver for quite some time.

Another option may be to do his cycle, then run about 75-100mg test/wk all the way through the drug test, then just do his post cycle therapy after. I know a couple NCAA football players that got away with that technique. I dunno though... just a thought.

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ALL athletes I know pass drug tests on 100mg every third day of test pro. Dbol is a good choice for mass as it will be out of the system in around 10+days. Yeah stay away from EQ, and definately inj winstol/deca/tren..Oral Primo and avavar are worth a look if you aren't wanting mass!
