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Home brew Q

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I was wondering if there was a better way to make oral winny besides mixing the winny powder with Bacardi 151 or Everclear???

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What?! You're joking right?!

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No bro im serious, i order the powder from over seas and make most of the gear to injectable form but the d bol and Anadrol and winny i make oral by mixing it with 151 or everclear. is that bad??? thought it was ok?? help me out here

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Hey bud.....Here's a recipe from Praetorian for making water based winny injectable:

Mix 1 g winny plus 1 ml ba plus 2.5 ml PEG 400 in to vial.
Heat until mix goes into solution (clear liquid)
Remove from heat and filter with .45 whatman into sterile vial.
Add 15.5 ml bac water to filtered product slowly but does not have to be drop by drop as you will notice the winny will not easily come out of solution-took me 30 seconds to add all the water-slowly but not drop by drop.
Swirl vial slowly until it seems cloudy and well mixed.
Shake the hell out of it as hard as you can...this will pull the winny out of solution and into suspension.
Cap and voila!
20ml at 50mg/ml sterile aqueous stanozolol suspension.
This is as easy as it gets!

I tried it and it works like a charm.

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You don't want to use Grain or everclear or Bacardi bro. It will eat your muscle tissue away. I can't even imagine how painful that shot would be.
Either use BA and Bac water like PRL said or use an oil with a little BA.

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You don't want to use Grain or everclear or Bacardi bro. It will eat your muscle tissue away. I can't even imagine how painful that shot would be.
Either use BA and Bac water like PRL said or use an oil with a little BA. bro, he's making oral products, not injectables
