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Help with first cycle!!!

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I wanna start my first cycle. I'm 20 years old, 5'10, 180lbs and around 15% bodyfat. I wanna do a deca and D-bol cycle.
This is my cycle;
weeks 1-6 Deca 400mg/week D-bol 15-30mg/ED
weeks 6-8 Deca 300mg/week start clomid 50mg ED
weeks 9-10 Deca 200mg/week run clomid till 3weeks after 50mg ED
Any problems in this cycle? I wanna stay away from test because of my age. Will I experience DecaDick if I start the clomid that soon? How much can I gain of this cycle? Will my test levels return to normal after cycle is over?

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Deca will shut your nuts down harder than test will, so if that is your reason for taking it, then beware...... I think you are too young at 20 to be using aas, give it a couple more years.

With deca/Dbol, you not only have to worry about estrogen sides from the dbol, but progesterone from the deca........ I would probably go with a deca/winny cycle, as the winny will combat the progesterone from the deca..... You could easily do 300mg/wk deca, 50mg/ ed or eod winny for 8 weeks and gain a solid 15 to 20 lbs if you do everything properly......

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Thanx, so not a good idea. How about d-bol alone? I just received gear. I have Deca some test and also have d-bol tabs.

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Posts: 239

I wouldn't recommend a dbol only cycle or any other oral only cycle for that matter. Dbol will play adversly effect natural test levels too.

My recommendation is that you continue training naturally. Your body has numerous hormones that are all in or close to the perfect ratio for growth naturally at 20 years old. You can only mess this up with aas. You can do what you want, but you'll be better off in the long run to train hard and natural longer.....

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At 5'10" and 180lbs you can put a ton of weight on still naturally. I would personally wait until you're 21yrs old and have hit a brick wall in growth. I've been training for almost 8 years now and had just recently hit that wall at 22yrs old. I have been as high as 218lbs naturally at 5'8" trust me bro you can put some more mass on yet naturally. Just eat like there's no tomorrow. That is the most important part of getting bigger--->taking in the LARGE number of calories and grams of protein. Of course training is the same way.
If you were going to run the Deca/D-bol I would not taper it....meaning the Deca. Keep it at the same dosage the entire time. If you run it for eight weeks you can gain a solid 15-20lbs.
Also, don't start clomid until a week after your last shot. You don't need it while you're still on the Deca.

