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Going for Test. level testing- suggestions?

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I read the thread on HRT/TRT. Good stuff. I'm going for testing for low test levels next Monday. What's the best tact to get my Doc on my side? Man I hope my HMO covers GH, I know they cover gel & Enth.

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I read the thread on HRT/TRT. Good stuff. I'm going for testing for low test levels next Monday. What's the best tact to get my Doc on my side? Man I hope my HMO covers GH, I know they cover gel & Enth.

No way of getting HGH from a family doctor, unless he is on the take. You will get sent to a Endocrinologist for numerous tests, and after much ado, you may get HGH, but only from the Endo.

It will still cost like hell.......

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I will try to insist on a referral to an Endo. I checked back w/ my HMO and this is a kick- They will cover GH but the doc can only precsribe 1 cycle at a time, (limited course duration). No problem there. They can prescribe unlimited duration for Gel, Test Depot, Winny, Anavar and- get this- Anadrol 50's! Not that I'll get anyone to prescribe it, but can you imagine your doc giving you GH, test & drol! There's a fantasy. I'm hoping to get test prescribed- It'd be good to have some around legally, specially for travelling. Kinda hard to pass off a vial of UG lab test as legal.

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I've got a buddy that is on HRT (cyp) and gets 200 mgs every other week from the doc. The doc also administers the shot. He had to go through quite an ordeal to get on the cyp, as the doc first put him on andriol (oral test) which is IMO junk! He and I had a talk about it as he was having a hell of a time with his moods, energy etc, so I explained what the doc needs to put him on, and now all is well.

My point is don't expect to recieve BBing dosages from a GP, but you can expect to at least get your levels back up to where you were at as a teen, or a little more so, as the body at best only produces about 50 mgs per week at the high end of the spectrom.

Anyway I hope all works out well for you.

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Got my results. LOW. I'm glad actually, I know now there is a physical reason for how I was feeling. I had no energy, libido, trouble focusing at work and had lost a big chunk of the gains from my last cycle. My GP wanted to send me to an Endocrinologist for injections but all I really wanted was the lab tests. I just started my next cycle early. Does anyone know what a good maintenance dose would be after the cycle? Also- I have HCG that was for mid cycle and post cycle therapy- no need for that stuff now- correct?

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Got my results. LOW. I'm glad actually, I know now there is a physical reason for how I was feeling. I had no energy, libido, trouble focusing at work and had lost a big chunk of the gains from my last cycle. My GP wanted to send me to an Endocrinologist for injections but all I really wanted was the lab tests. I just started my next cycle early. Does anyone know what a good maintenance dose would be after the cycle? Also- I have HCG that was for mid cycle and post cycle therapy- no need for that stuff now- correct?

Run the HCG, it will not hurt. As far as a maintenance cycle, you will have to feel it out. You will need to start from no test and do weekly injections. I would start out with 200mgs per week for say 3-4 weeks. See how it feels, and you must learn to listen to your body. If it is not enough, up it to 300 and repeat. I can be fine with 200/week but I like 300 better......

Feel free to hoilla back with questions
