Hey guys i was wondering if its ok to try to reach my goal " shedd fat while maintaining muscle" by using some kind of juices like clenbuterol etc. My question is : is it ok to use that kind of ster***s forage of 19, or it will mess up my genetics? My bodytype is 50:50 endormph mesomoprh. I gain muscle naturally with supplements and balanced diet, but now i counted if i'd do 500 kcal deficit it would take long time to reach 8% bodyfat , now im abot 15-16. If i would increase deficit i'd lost a bit of muscle as well. Thanks
Hey guys i was wondering if its ok to try to reach my goal " shedd fat while maintaining muscle" by using some kind of juices like clenbuterol etc. My question is : is it ok to use that kind of ster***s forage of 19, or it will mess up my genetics? My bodytype is 50:50 endormph mesomoprh. I gain muscle naturally with supplements and balanced diet, but now i counted if i'd do 500 kcal deficit it would take long time to reach 8% bodyfat , now im abot 15-16. If i would increase deficit i'd lost a bit of muscle as well. Thanks
I would try some eca (ephedrine) with caffeine first to get a feel for it....clen can be dangerous if you don't know what you are doing
that being said I love clen and it's a hell of a drug but I use eca as well and it sometimes feels cleaner without all the long term effects of clenbuterol.
What's your height and weight at 15%
thats pretty high; best to save the harder drugs for the harder final % than to abuse them early on....
Great post!
Looking to start my first cycle, Thanks for the info!
Great info,
Hey guys! Check this out, I just got hooked up with this company called AmeriChem Labs out of Chicago area. They carry anything you need to start a cycle and make serious gains. Whatever you need; test cyp, decadurabolin, trenbolone acetate, ect... Contact [email protected] for more info price sheet. Orders over $150 get 2 free bottles of test cyp. They even guaranteed domestic 3 day shipping upon confirmation of my payment.
This is very helpful
Fuck dude this is exactly the kind of info I was looking for. Makes everything way simpler than it seemed before. Thanks!
Thank man so much info.
As a new member looking to do first cycle, I think you answered nearly all my questions in this article. I will however continue to read more as I have enjoyed reading all posts. Thanks!
Very very good 'AAS 101 ' post w proper refs cited. Test IMO should always be run 1st as a benchmark for individual response comparison. Smartest move ever made is getting lab work done first... Know YouR body
Is there any threads on talking with your doctor about getting blood done or how to go about it?
Is there any threads on talking with your doctor about getting blood done or how to go about it?
I'm looking for this as well.
I'm up in Canada, and live in a somewhat remote area, it'll be a bit of an odd question to ask my family doctor. That and I would prefer it not going on my record what the bloodwork was for. How can I ask for bloodwork but not say what its for? I mean, I guess my doctor will know why I'm taking the test, but wouldnt be able to put anabolics down as the reason, thats sort of what I'm looking for.
Unless theres a way to privately test?
Great info, very well written.