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[Sticky] First Cycle and PCT~2025

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good stuff indeed

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Awesome post heavy! Super helpful for a beginner like myself. I have lifted frequently for 2 years just bought some gear a couple weeks ago. Does anyone know a good place to order the aromasin? I have started my cycle and sounds like I really need it. I was only aware of PCT's. Thanks in advance!

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moblk I just started my 1st ever cycle and am running 500mg/week Test C with 1mg arimidex every third day. The more I read on here and reading some of the issues people have had I thought why not go with the safest route. I am not sure if this will effect my gains but I will be running this for 12-16 weeks and as a 1st timer I want this cycle to go as smoothly as possible/positive experience. I know their is a lot more experience and knowledgeable people on here just wanted to give you a view point from a newbie.

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I'm going to be running my first cycle here soon and I've read a lot of conflicting info about pct. I was planning on buying nolvadex for pct and having aromasin on hand in case of gyno. Some forums say use clomid instead of nolvadex and others say it doesn't matter. Opinions?

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I'm going to be running my first cycle here soon and I've read a lot of conflicting info about pct. I was planning on buying nolvadex for pct and having aromasin on hand in case of gyno. Some forums say use clomid instead of nolvadex and others say it doesn't matter. Opinions?
Both SERM's will facilitate recovery. I have no problem if a guy wants to use Tamoxifen rather than Clomiphene. Tamoxifen is also highly effective for gyno treatment.

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