heaps of helpful info about a first cycle! cheers
Thanks for the info...helps a lot in my cycle planning.
Thanks real good article.
Very informative and just what I was looking for. This will help me decide on my first cycle. Many thanks.
This is exactly what I needed thanks bro
Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk
great info, thanks for taking time to share!
You posted 2500 iu hcg As the start of pct " while the aas ester is clearing " how soon after last injection ? Half life point or 1-2 weeks after last injection?
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You posted 2500 iu hcg As the start of pct " while the aas ester is clearing " how soon after last injection ? Half life point or 1-2 weeks after last injection?
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It depends on what ester u are using, I believe enanthate is about two weeks after last pin
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Yes Enathate is what I was referring to.. So jss to clarify start hcg as soon as it hits half life ?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Finally some info that makes sense and is useful. Thanks for the awesome article.
Great write up, thanks for the real facts and not bro science
Great info!
great share! gives me a great start on what I can plan to take on my first cycle! now just to find the proper source!
Great info!