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I just finished my first cicle, and I'm already planning my next one, I used winni and clen, since I wanted solid muscle and not much size. For this next one I think I want to use EQUIPOSE, but I don't know how much should I get (for a 6-8 weeks cicle) I would stack it with winni (again, just love what it did for me) clen, and may be sustenon 250,
clueless please help

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Okay, height, weight, %bf and what were the dosages on your last cycle?

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you could go 100mg eod. run it for at least 8wks. toss some sust @ 250mg or 500mg a week in there to pack on some descent mass. you could also kick 'er off with some Dbol. eat alot, high cals and protien.

if your gonna do it with winny run the same amount. do this to pack on a bit less mass, but lean quality muscle. eat clean and toss in some cardio to get shredded.

just what i'd do.

but answer tadgers question first, it'd be much better that way.

The 5th Element
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i'm curious what your results were on that winny only cycle.

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if your gonna use EQ then run it for 10wks to get better results...also if your trying to put on some mass then definetely toss in the sus...250-500wk is plenty

this is just an example since i don't know your stats or experience w/AAS's
......split the eq into 2 inj/wk...same w/ the sus for the first 3wks

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nice to see you over here E I ws wondering how many SE guys would be here after finding out that its free.
nice example cycle. once we get some stats we could really do some damage.


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I think knowing what your specific goal from this cycle would be, is very important. for lean mass, I think I'd stick with winny/eq. the sus (or any test) will pack more muscle on, but if that's not your real goal, then I wouldnt mess with it.

something like 100mgs winny EOD and 100mgs eq EOD is light and basic. with experience and size you your part, you could up the eq to 150mgs EOD or something. run it for 10 weeks and enjoy the very lean beef.

stats/experience/goals are kinda key here though.

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Yeah Tail G. you are right about my goal!
I just want to get lean ('fat free') muscle tissue, and increse my strenght, since my goal is to compete, in mixed martial arts (NHB)
this guy is offering me bottles of 100mg X 10 ml - is that means that it 10 'applications of 100mg? is 65$ for this bottles a fair price?
should I run it with the winni at the same time?(shooting them together?)
I'm 5'8" 185 lb.
thanks a lot guys

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each bottle will have about 10 100mg applications like you said. but sometimes they can be underfilled. most of the time about 9ml, give or take. $65 per bottle is a fair price. as far as mixing the two in the same syringe, you'll get mixed answers. the eq is oil based(thick), and the winni is water based(thin). since water won't dillute into oil. so some will say break it up, some won't. my take is, its all gonna go in ya anyway, so why break it up. just my thoughts.

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I'm with saleen. I like the plain winny/eq cycle. adds a nice little bit of lean mass and is easy to lose weight on. on mixing in the same rig......that's your call. seems people are 50/50 on that. here's a thought thou. since you will need to shoot EOD on those two, you could always split them so you are shooting something daily. that would be kinda dependant on the winny dose and its a pain to shoot that much, but its a thought.

good luck to you

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I really mean it! you guys are the best - strait forward- information. no more scary shit, or doubts,now iI 'know' what to do!
thanks a lot.
one more thing, do I still need clomid and Nolvadex?

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you probably wont need the nolvadex, but finish with clomid.
besides, doesnt hurt to always be prepared.

good luck to you!

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Presonally I think Equi performs better when used for at least 10weeks. why? well it builds muscle slower that test. but it's more solid muscle and it's ez-er to keep!
plus being safer than Test, helps too!
