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what kind of strenght gain can i expect from equipoise.

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From my experience with EQ is this...its a slow solid way of gaining quality lean mass. Also, some use it in cycle to help "keep" their gains and promote an anabolic environment. Its good for appitite too. Stack Equipose with a test and even some tren....thats a good stack. I wouldn't recommend using it with deca because its kinda the same thing. Good luck

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good post bk3

sacdaddy, you need to be more specific about yourself, doses, and a lot of other things in order to guess how much weight you can put on be using a specific AAS. for example, you'll put on a little weight taking 100mgs once a week. you'll put on more taking 100mgs EOD. see? its very dificult to guess at something when you dont have any info. besides, all people react differently to different types of gear.

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i will be taking 600mg a week this will be a 10 weel cycle

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interestingly, EQ hinders my appetite and makes me not want to eat anything!


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Be sure to move around your inject. cites that's an awful lot of oil if you're using the the old standard type Equi. some of the the newer stuff by Axio etc. is stronger (less oil).

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Originally posted by buffking3
Stack Equipose with a test and even some tren....thats a good stack. I wouldn't recommend using it with deca because its kinda the same thing.

Actually nandrolone, trenbolone and and Boldabole are all derivatives of the 19norTestosterone molecule. They're all very similar in effect and molecular structure. If you've used either fina or deca before that's about what you're gonna get with eq. You'll see some slight differences with each drug, but overall the effect is pretty similar.

Personally I feel that if you'd like to use them together that's a great idea. Lately I've been rather fond of the idea of mixing either fina or Durabolin(nandrolone phenylpropionate) with either deca or eq. You get the shorter acting ester along with one that will build up in your system. Kinda like the nandrolone equivalent of aratest. Either way... you're gonna want to run plenty of test or Dbol with them.
