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kk, this post is not really for my benefit,, but for one of my best friends. ( im really worried bout him ) i was informed that this site and the ppl on it can be very helpful on the subject of steriods. a very close friend of mine is *quite* interested in them,, and has his mind set on doing them. now even though i dont really agree with his decision, i kno that no matter how many ppl tell you how bad it is and not to do it, meh if ur gonna do it, nothins gonna stop ya. i basically told him to at least be informed on it. now he is not into the drug scene, so he has never looked any of this shit up. i first told him to go to erowid, but they dint have steriods there. so i made a post on bluelight, and like i said i was directed here. so theres my story lol.
i basically just need to know how much should he dose? and how many different methods to dose are there? what sorta feeling is it,, if anything? any help is extremely appreciated

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whats his stats(age weight height bf%) and what products is he looking to use

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tell your buddy to get on the damn sight himself start looking into what he is doing and what he is using, he's not gonna find a better bunch of bros that know as much as these guys he should check out previous posts after awhile he'll get the info he needs on AAS

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hmm,, i have no idea his stats ,, all i kno is he is 16, ( i kno ,, youngin lol ) bout,, mm i owuld say ,, 5'9 ,, maybe 150 lbs? thas jus me balparkin it, and he is not very fit. the other thing bout this is,, the only thing i kno he wants is not to use needles,, he said he wanted to try to avoid them,, but wteva.
of course imma gonna get him to ger on this site as well,, there are a few other sources i have also discovered that he, and i, will be visiting... i just wanna walk him thru this.. i kno the precautions u needa take with chemies

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Whoa buddy, IMHO he is way too young... he prob doesent have a year of lifting under his belt, and his bones and muscles/ligaments have not reached thier full potential yet and doing anything to alter the composition of his body at that age can cause serious complications later in life(or right now)..I say no way..but as you said people do what they want, make sure that he knows more than he wants.. then educate him some more
keep him away from harsh and heavy drugs only things like eca..clen...Anavar..maybe Winnie...primo...this is just my opinion..and it is only worth what you get out of it.


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He's going to cause himself FAR MORE PROBLEMS, than benefits..

Stay away from all aas. IF he can't gain naturally right now, he isn't eating, sleeping or training properly.

AAS is not a magic bullet.

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great advice tspine...

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i know it sounds like a good idea at 16, but take TS's advice to your friend and tell him to listen.

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Dont tell him he is too young cos he will juice anyway, Tell your mate that Steroids dont work untill you are about 22 or so.
