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deca and test

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How much test and deca should be used for someone new to AS? When should they be taken?

Also how long can winstrol last in your system (tabs or liquid)?

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need info about you. stats, experience, age, lifting time, goals, etc etc.

if you are under the age of 21, dont mess with AAS

if you are worried about how long stuff lasts in your system, stay away from deca. its detectable for up to 18 months.

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5' 9'' 175- 23- will I gain 20 pouds on a moth and half cycle? what can I take to stop the bloating? Also what about clomid? How much will it cost and when do I take it?

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Well, first of all if you're going to use Deca and Test you should plan on some bloating to some degree. You can control it with Arimidex, but its EXTREMELY expensive and for a first cycle probably not worth the money. $270 for 30 pills, unless you know people in other countries. If I were you I'd run Deca at 300-400mgs/wk and Test at around 400mgs/wk. If you bought Test400 and Ttokyyo Deca 300 you'd probably spend $220-$260 for the both of them....maybe less.....but could be A LOT MORE. It depends on who you know. I know some people that bought the Deca 300 for $300 itself!!! Which is dumb, but if you really want the shit and don't know people you do not have much of a choice. The markup around where I live is rediculous. You'd need 30 pills of clomid for post cycle at $1/pill. And having 30 pills of Nolvadex in case of bitch tits is another good idea at $1/pill.
Needles would be another $10-$20.
Total for cycle---> approx. $310-330 But if you lived by me and didn't know anyone, now were talking $300 Deca, $200 T400, $60 clomid and Nolvadex, $20 Needles ----total---->approx. $580
These are just some rough estimates for you to look at. I think the first estimate is pretty normal anywhere you go. If you're looking at the higher estimate as the only access for you then I'm sorry to hear about that bro. It all comes down to having the balls to order shit through the mail. If you ever get any lists, you'll notice how much less expensive it is....but of course now there's more risk involved too. Hope this helps.

