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Deca America: Update.

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Started my cycle on the 21st of Jan. doing Sust. 250 on Mondays and Thursdays, and mixing in 1/2 a cc of deca America 400. (typical 500/400 cycle) Also using Oxy 50 (cvb) Now, I have done Sust before and never had any trouble. Yes, I heard the stories but until now I have never had any negative exper"s with the shot. Damn if I didn't have the most painful sides all last week, and todays shot doesn't feel like it went any better. I'm wondering if it could be the Deca? I know it should make a typical Sust shot less pianfull but... Anyone else exper'ing pain with D/A 400?
P.S the Sust is Loeffler test IV. Is that a possible reason for the pain. Organon has always treated me right.
And being that this is the 2nd week of cycle not a lot of change, not even from the bombs.

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Hey man ive taken both kinds of sust and the organon is quite good. My ass always was sore after injection day but never as bad as with the other. I dont know about the deca but I would think its the sust.

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I just finished shooting up 400mg of deca america deca. Only pain I felt was that I moved the needle around and got sore. I doubt its the deca!! Good shit!!

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Maybe you can personally use the Deca 400 with less oil per mg this may be too strong for you! and this may not affect the next guy! try using something different with your Sus maybe Cyp or EQ.

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that loeffler is the most painful shit around. I have severak friend who tried it and they ended up not finishing the cycle with the loeffler cause it hurt so bad

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Bro very easy way to know whats causing the pain, just shoot 1 cc of deca this week all by itself. and later that week shot the sustanon all by itself. Then you'll know. Simple enough!

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I'm on the exact same cycle man. The only difference is my sust is actually omadren(same as sust now). I don't have painful injection sites about 90% of the time. The other 10% is very mild soreness, very mild. I'm using 1ml omnadren and 1/2 ml deca america. No pain. Must be the loffler sust IMHO.

By the way, I'm about 4 weeks into it using 50mg Anadrol per day, 400mg deca america and 500mg sust per week and I'm up 16 pounds.

Deca is kicking in the last week or so and aggresion is definitely a factor. I'm getting pretty pissy sometimes but easily controlable if you know why its happening.

Good luck with your cycle. I can' t eat enough . 5 times a day and I'm not putting on fat yet. Gonna try and add a potato and some rice/pasta. Already eating plenty protein.

This time I can actually feel the deca. My last cycle of test/deca, I didn't even know I had used deca. This deca america is the shit.

It's pumps are enough that its pretty damn obvious to most in the gym that I'm juicing.

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Zeus, I can hardly wait. I'm just now starting to retain some water weight. I notice that heavy feeling and I'm up 5 lbs the first week. I too can eat everything in sight. Are you running 10 or 12 weeks? And are you using the oxytone 50 's from the c man?
p.s. I will finish this Loeffler but, I wouldn't make it my first choice next time.
