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D Bol

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I have found in my usuage of this oral drug that, my body fat drops.
My strenth goes up as expected but my body weight stays the same. I get harder and leaner. I have stacked it with an assortment of drugs such as test enethate or deca.
It seems my results are typically the same at the end. I gain 3 to 5 lbs but considerable strenth.
I like the drug D Bol but it doesnt seem to be a mass monster for me. I dont retain water either.
the reasoning for this could be that im not eating enough. It seems to work like EQ more than the typical D Bol. Tell me what you think!!!

General run is 15 mg week 1,, 25 mg week 2.. 35mg week 3,, 30mg week 4,, 25mg week 5,, 20mg week 6, 15mg week 7.

I probably take no more than 500 to 750mgs of test in any givin week during D Bol Runs

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Are you sure it's D-bol and not oral Winny?

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First, it seems like it ain't d-bal at all. If you're running a d-bal cycle you can expect to put on at least 5-6 lbs of water. Ever heard of moonfaces? It's a d-bal and Anadrol effect to retain so much water that your face becomes puffy and round.
Second, if you run 500 to 750 mg of test in addition to d-bal and put only 5-7 lbs overall, there is something very wrong with your diet. You should end up 15-20 lbs heavier at the end of your cycle.
Third, your bf cannot drop on a d-bal cycle. There is nothing in it do burn fat unless you don't eat and stack it with so much test that you actually lose some fat. But then why bother to use d-bal at all?
Just my :cents Peace

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sounds like Anavar to me

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everything you said is the opposite of what Dbol does. r u sure your supplier is legit. he may have boned you in the rear end and slipped you some prohormone crap. 3-5 pounds at the end? you can get that naturally. scammers are everywhere waiting to blow thier load in your ass. ive seen guys think they bought juice and ended up with nothing more than a rectum full of nut. but if you didnt get dicked, like Lbm said, it could be oral winny

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I would have to agree with Mighty, I don't think you got Dbol. Maybe try another run from a different supplier.

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Originally posted by Demon
First, it seems like it ain't d-bal at all. If you're running a d-bal cycle you can expect to put on at least 5-6 lbs of water. Ever heard of moonfaces? It's a d-bal and anadrol effect to retain so much water that your face becomes puffy and round.
Second, if you run 500 to 750 mg of test in addition to d-bal and put only 5-7 lbs overall, there is something very wrong with your diet. You should end up 15-20 lbs heavier at the end of your cycle.
Third, your bf cannot drop on a d-bal cycle. There is nothing in it do burn fat unless you don't eat and stack it with so much test that you actually lose some fat. But then why bother to use d-bal at all?
Just my :cents Peace
you hit the nail right on the head and that is more then 2 cent! Donnybuckland i don't know what you got brother but it an't D-bol!

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yo brother....your dbol and test is deffinitely not real..please, i'm not saying this in an insulting way, just being honost. i have taken this gear many many times and have always gained 20-25 pounds. my boys have taken this too and have had similar results (20-25 pound) gains. check your source. i understand that each person reacts differently to steriods and may achieve different results, but for what you are taking, you should be gaining a lot of weight since test and especially dbol are bulking drugs.
