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Cycles for older members

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Thanks CG. Your cycle plans are always very thought out and right on. We all can benefit from your ideas, and with your vast knowledge and ability to explain your ideas, one can very easily understand your thought process. Bro's we are indeed lucky to have CG and Flex helping us....


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Still not enough members joining in on this thread. I know we have older members as I get a ton of pm's asking me questions, both here and at SE. You can only learn from the vast amount of knowledge here. Excluding me.....hahahaha

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I love HGH. nuff said.....

The BL oils are working great. Better than anything I have ever tried. The new oils are even better if that is possible. The Tren is indeed da bomb. Using the T-200 is great absolutely no bloat at all. The Bold. Undec. Is incredible.

I am learning as i go along through this cycle as this is my first with HGH. Good thing I have access to the top notch brothers that I do here at Freakz. Doing gh for the first time is a unique experience, but one that will def. become a stable for my continuing journey through life with AAS.

So far results are wonderful, my surgically repaired left arm is doing well. Strenght gains are beyond belief. Pump is beyond any I have ever experienced. I have lost 24lbs of fat thus

I have plenty of time left in my cycle and will give another update down the line.

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Originally posted by ironman_845
Be carefull to monitor your red blood cell #'s when running eq that high.. you may want to think about donating blood 1x per month to keep your rbc count in an acceptable range.. eq at that dosage will put you over anything that your docs will consider acceptable..

Is it OK to donate blood while taking AAS?

I had planned on not being able to donate while on.

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How's about this for an old man.

1st 5 weeks:

75 mgs adrol ED
200 T-200 EOD
75 Tren EOD

next 12 weeks:

200 T-200 EOD
75 Tren EOD (dropped after week 8 carried over from 5 weeks)
200 EQ EOD
4 IU's GH 5 days on 2 off
3 IU's humalog 3 times a day

next 11 weeks:

200 T-200 EOD
50 winny depot ED
50 Masteron ED
4 IU's GH 5 days on 2 off
last 3 weeks 2500 HCG every 5 days.

Then it's show time July 17th.

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Keep us posted on this.....

This is obviously a competition cycle.....

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i like 100mg tren an 100mg prop eod an 1 10mg d-bol before bed also works..

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I like to stay as basic as possible so it's test for me. I will cycle in other compounds as needed but test is always my base at an average of 500-1000 mgs per week. And no I don't cycle off. I did when I was younger, but at 44 I feel that I should just remain "on". Also I'm still quite competitive in BBing, so this is a consideration as well.

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I find this interesting that you stay on year round. I have never heard an experianced BBer just staying on. Have you considered whats gonna happen to you when the day comes that you have to go off?

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I find this interesting that you stay on year round. I have never heard an experianced BBer just staying on. Have you considered whats gonna happen to you when the day comes that you have to go off?

His natural production is such that it will not effect him. Ya gotta remember bro, that as we all age, our production slows. I was shut down at 32, and had yet to use gear.

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I'm 37 and still feel like i'm 20 or 30 I cant remember. Is memory loss a sign?

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If we continue to use into "our mature years" comes a point where we mostly shut down naturally and this WILL be hastened by repeated use. Many older guys just plan on being on HRT eventually and permanently. It happens.
My next cycle: (Nov. 1, after 3.5 months off)
1000 mg/wk. test enth 1-16
500 mg/wk. equipoise 1-16
100 mg/day anadrol 1-6
50 mg/day tren enth 11-16
1000 mg/eod HCG 8-9 to bring the 'boys' back up to size
1000 mg/eod HCG 16-18 same
tapering nolv 17-20 & 4/g/day tribulus terrestris to keep 'em online
plenty of nolv on hand in case of sides.
Milk Thistle & Liv 52 throughout for liver protection.
BLOOD TESTS THROUGHOUT. Monitoring is vital at these levels.
I don't nessecarily reccomend this cycle for anyone, I know the drol is harsh. I've ramped up to this quite slowly and with good results.

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I find this interesting that you stay on year round. I have never heard an experianced BBer just staying on. Have you considered whats gonna happen to you when the day comes that you have to go off?As was said in a prior post as we age our natural production does slow, or for some comes to a grinding halt. Coming off is therefore not an option.

Case in point is a buddy of mine who never did AAS, but by the age of 36 had very low test levels. To make matters worse he is a big guy, and was trying to lose some weight due to health concerns (BP), but nothing was happening. He went to his doc. and was told after a battery of tests that his testosterone levels were extremely low. Therefore he is now "on" for the rest of his life @ 100 mgs cypionate per week.

At my age (44) and due to the fact that I've been at this sport since '79. I knew that my hormone production was slowing, also as I was switching from a natural federation to the enhanced side I knew that for me it was time to start using test/AAS in what would be considered supra-physiological doses in order to be competitive.

As for the year 'round test cycle/use in order to be able to make the gains I need to make, as well as for health reasons (HRT) I feel that to cycle as most do would be counter productive. Therefore I use test as a base and, as I said in my previous post, I'll cycle in other compounds as needed and for certain reasons ie hardness (precontest) or to give my body a boost in the off season.

Once I quit competeing I will just run a more moderate dose in the range of 200-250 mgs of test weekly. But as I just recieved a pro card (IFBB), and want to compete in the Masters Olympia this will have to wait.

Lastly you mention never hearing of experienced BBers staying "on" year "round. It's been my experience having known many high end amatures and a number of seasoned pros that they do stay "on" year 'round, but drop the doses back, and use only one or two compounds in the off season.

Anyway sorry for the long post.

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I run my TRT 20 weeks on and 6 weeks off. This works for me well, then again, I know my body well, have frequent bloodwork done, and know the signs.....

I never recommend to anyone to stay on, not do I recommend they run long cycles, and finally I never recommend to anyone they run TRT like I do. I do however know when someone knows their body and it's workings well.

The experienced brothers above know their shit, and therefore know what works for them.

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P.S. dont be sorry for long posts. Thanks for the info; I guess the BB's I've talked to were just keeping to them selves about how they cycle. But thats what I would too.

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