my doctor prescibed me prednisone which is
a corticosteroid,
does anyone know if this will have a bad effect
on my muscles?
i heared it breaks the muscle down,
dont want to lose all i worked for
should i chuck the prescription?
Don't worry. Yes, taken in large dosages, it can have effects on muscle. However, usually given for respiratory infections, the dosages are negligible (being sick longer would hurt more).
tks for your response
ive been checking around on the internet
and found out they also have strenth and
mass building qualities
are they similar to anabolics,
will it help me in small doses?
i also will be starting my cycle of deca next week.
will this screw up my cycle ?
should i wait?
Bump this up I was just put on about 40mg/day of prednisone and was wondering if this will have any bodybuilding qualities. It's hard to find any good info one way or the other.
Thanx Bro's it's good to be back at FREAKZ!!:ar15