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Continued use of Test. Enanthae.....

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I was wondering, I am 40 years old and been clean off of my last cycle for 16 weeks now. Has anybody here tried using Enanthate for an indefinite period of time at a very low dosage as an HRT? I'm only talking about 1 mil injected once every two weeks or so.

Any input would be great.


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yes sir....that's called Test replacement therapy. That's about the dose they give you when you're doctor puts you on TRT. However, you're test levels need to be low enough where you get the benefits from TRT other wise you'll just shut your own down.

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I run TRT for 20 weeks ona and 6 weeks off. I have run it much longer but feel best at the above cycle plan.

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I really appreciate your help on this. Have any of you used and AS with a shorter Ester such as Sustenon in the same manner. I like it due do it's lack of water retention.


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I mix things up all the time. I sometimes run Test Prop and do spot injections for 12 weeks as TRT

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Great! How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I'm 40 and on a longterm regimen of HGH of 2 IU's per day. When you do use enanthate or Sus etc, do you you use any type of estrogen blockers as well or is the monthly dosage of AS so low that the estrogen is a non issue?

I'm just trying to get a better feel for what I want to do longterm. I want to keep my levels up as much as possible without shuting my own test production down.

Thanks again,


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i use cypionate. it's better designed for a once every 1-3 week shot, in Canada, Cypionate is what is prescribed by GP's for HRT.

i do my injection once a week @ 200mgs and i get no sides (im female obviously) plus, it keeps my hormones in check.

but i also switch up my compounds from off season to pre-contest. for the most part, i run cypionate(or test with a different ester) all year round.

i also run Nolvadex on a 6month on, 6month off cycle (6months on pre-contest) i started early this time as i did a run of sust and i got a moon face something bad from it!

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Great! How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I'm 40 and on a longterm regimen of hGH of 2 IU's per day. When you do use enanthate or Sus etc, do you you use any type of estrogen blockers as well or is the monthly dosage of AS so low that the estrogen is a non issue?

I'm just trying to get a better feel for what I want to do longterm. I want to keep my levels up as much as possible without shuting my own test production down.

Thanks again,

-Thrilla1 Thrilla any time you use even a small amount of test (TRT) you will shut down your own production. However many guys I know, as well as myself, have had great results using tribulus extract to assist in LH production, and therefore keeping test production up somewhat higher than if we were to just run test alone.

As far as estrogen blockers go I only worry about this pre-contest, as I get little in the way of bloat, but when one is gonna hit the stage you want to make sure all your bases are covered.

And as far as a long term ester goes I like either cypionate or enanthate, as both are virtually indistinguishable from one another, so it's just a matter of what's available at the time.

Oh and just so ya know I'm coming up on 45, and have been at this (bodybuilding) since '79.
