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Contest Cycle

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So I wanted to see what you guys thought about this for a contest cycle, I was also thinking about taking masteron enanthate instead of masteron prop for weeks 1-13 what would you guys think about that? How would think cycle do for someone who is looking to grow into the show also? Also for week 13 a diuretic would be added to help get rid of any extra water weight.

Weeks 1-13
Arimidex- .5mgs/day

Weeks 1-8
EQ- 400mgs/week
Test E- 250-300mgs/week

Weeks 1-11
Tren E- 500mgs/week

Weeks 8-13
EQ- 600mgs/week
Masteron Prop- 100mgs/EOD
Test Prop- 100mgs/EOD

Weeks 10-13
Oral winstrol- 50mgs/day

Weeks 11-13
Tren Ace- 100mgs/EOD

Weeks 12-13
Halo- 30mgs/day

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I was thinking running mast e, too, with my test p n Tren a. I like the mast to be kinda high n it would just be easier to run the Enth. I know a lot if guys say Tren E doesn't cut the fat like Tren A does. It may be the same issue with mast e.

Could anyone chime in on this?

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I was thinking running mast e, too, with my test p n Tren a. I like the mast to be kinda high n it would just be easier to run the Enth. I know a lot if guys say Tren E doesn't cut the fat like Tren A does. It may be the same issue with mast e.

Could anyone chime in on this?

Yeah thats why I would be taking Tren ace for the last few weeks to harden up the muscles for the contest. And yeah for the masteron enanthate I would probably run it at 500-600mgs/week.

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i am no pro and dont want to be but from what i know which is not much. but that short ester stuff usally is drier than long ester stuff and the short ester is usally strounger and quicker mg per mg.

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Nice cycle

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prop.tren ace,masteron,var would be good or there are other also like winny primo .
