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Completely new to roids....advice needed desperately!!!

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Hi guys,

As a complete newbie to this, I'm in need of some guidance!

1. I want to try a course of roids. IYO, should I inject or take pills - which is more effective overall? Which is more dangerous?

2. If I chose to take Dbol'>D-bol'>Dianabol orally, will I have to take something else with it? IYO, what are the best oral steroids avaliable for gaining size and strength?

3. Will I lose most of my gains if I stop taking the roids but continue training hard?



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Well you probably need to let some peeps know how old you are how much experience you have with lifting.
I think the orals are more dangerous, harder on the system, but pills and shots are good partners and you usually need them both. Both have dangers and side effects, just a risk you are taking everyone is different something you can handle someone else might not be able too.
If you choose to take D-bol it would be good to take something with it, sustanon, Omnadren, Deca, there are tons of things to do
These are good for beginning mass and strength cycles nice and simple. If you do your homework and follow up correctly with a nice cycle, I.E. using clomid or HCG or both and keep your head in the game and keep training hard and eating good no you will not loose most of your gains.
Read all the posts you can they will help you tremendously.

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I'm 27 and I've been lifting for 2 years

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It sounds like your ready for a beginner's stack. The most basic follows.

weeks 1-4:40mgs dbol
weeks 1-8:400mgs deca or eq and 600mgs test
weeks 9-12: 50mgs clomid ED

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Originally posted by j_kiler
It sounds like your ready for a beginner's stack. The most basic follows.

weeks 1-4:40mgs dbol
weeks 1-8:400mgs deca or eq and 600mgs test
weeks 9-12: 50mgs clomid ED

I wouldnt say 1280 mgs a week of gear is a beginner's stack, but the idea is pretty good. those levels outta be adjusted dependant on the individual. specifically down for someone under, say, 230lbs lean...... IMO.

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I would say as a beginner, you may want to see how your body reacts to the stuff. Maybe try some Dbol for 6 week and Sust for 8.
Clomid ed in 9wk 50mg,10wk 100mg, 11wk 50mg. Have some Nolv on hand. This should be good for a beginner. Cjay

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Ok if your a a newbie you can stick with
500mg of sustanon a week is fine, but keep the d-bol at 30mg a day for week 1-6. then taper down a pill a day.
I've done many cycle and i still don't need more than 30mg a day.
Drink lots of water with d-bol cause
it will raise your blood presure and without enough water you'll get headaches.

Although personaly i'd go with 500mg of sustanon and 300mg of deca a week. And use d-bol on my second cycle. Make sure you have clomid for post cycle therapy.

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I would recommend sust-dbol combination too...
sust- 500mg/week , dbol- 25-30mg/day

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BUMP , take there advice , there like the jedi's of juice!
