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im currently taking 300mg/week of deca and 400mg/of EQ a week when should i start taking clomid.DO i take it one week after my last injections.

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Take it 2 weeks after your last injection.
Why are your taking Deca and EQ together?

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should i not stack these 2 togethor i was originally going to stack it with Test-Enanthate'>Test enthanate but it has been delayed.

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Posts: 211

Its no big deal, just that Eq and Deca are pretty much the same thing. How is it working out for you? Bummer on your Test being delayed.

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actually i have not started yet i about to start today but then you replied to my post,i decited to hold off untill my test gets seem to know alot do i still take clomid 2 weeks after my last injection if i stack Test Enthanate and Eq.

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Posts: 211

Good idea to hold off.
You can use clomid 2 weeks after last inj.
Keep your head up, hopefully your Enth will get to you soon.

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Thanks for the info Bro.

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good info cardi.
besides, on a deca/eq only cycle (and at those doses) you could be pretty well guaranteed your dick wouldnt work. make sure to get your test in there.

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Heads up,
There are pretty much two schools of thought when it comes to the use of clomid.
First being the school of wait, I never did understand this school.
Clomid is an estrogen blocker that helps to keep the estrogen hormone from being accepting into the male Nero-receptors. Why would you wait until estrogen levels are already increased (your body is trying to compensate for the extra Test. that is floating around by producing added estrogen) to start combating its effects? Grated waiting has been proven (via experience) to reverse shrinking nuts and hair loss, thus, its support amongst the B. Building community. However, do you want to reverse or prevent such side effects?
The second school seems to make more sense to me, “through a cycle.”
About week two kick in 50mg for a day or two (one for what your taking) and get the desired effect by cutting the Clomid down to 10mg after the first day or two. When you get close to the end, the day of or the day after your last stick, kick it up to 50mg for a day or two, again, and cut it back down to 10 mg for a 7-10days. This should keep your nuts from shrinking and rid your body of that pesky Estrogen. The up side to this is your body never really gets the chance to aromatize the estrogen, where as in the first school your body is fighting for space making it a win/ lose battle.

