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Check these plans out! 1st Cycle.

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Hi guys...please review and comment on what i have planned for 1st cycle. I am 5'8 to 5'9, 22 years old, 185 pounds with about 13% fat. Been training on / off for 3.5 years. My goal is to gain and KEEP 15 solid pounds with little water and little fat gain by week 16! I will lift like a mad man and will be eating quality foods around 4000 to 4400 calories a day, all from week one to week ten. I will work each muscle once every 4 to 5 days. Here is my cycle: By the way,nolva will be available for emergencies

week 1: Deca200 + sust250
week 2: deca 200 + sust 500
week 3: Deca 300 + sust 500
week 4: Deca 300 + sust 500
week 5: Deca 300 + sust 500
week6: Deca 300 + sust 500
week7: Deca 200 + sust 500
week 8: Deca 200 + sust 250
week9: nothing, but still training and eating alot
week10: nothing, but still training and eating alot
week11: clomid 150mg a day +clen 40 to 60 mcg a day
week 12: clomid 100mg a day + clen 60 to 40 mcg a day
week 13: clomid 50 mg a day + ECA stack
week 14: ECA stack
week 15: clen 40 to 60mcg a day
week 16: clen 60 to 40 mcg a day
week 17: totally off of everything.

I want to be around 200 pounds ( the stable kept weight) and no more than 10 % fat.
So do you guys think my cycle is realistic based on my goals? Am I doing too much or too little? And how should I be training and eating from week 11 to week 16. Please help me out here with opinions and please don't tell me to choose different roids, because I already have half of the gear! Thanks.

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Looks fine, maybe a little on the high side, dosage wise for my liking for a first cycle. Most will probably tell you 500 sust, 300 deca is fine.

I would eliminate the little quasi-taper action... Sust and deca are mainly long acting, so Start with your top dose, cuz most of it won't be active right away. If you only have enough to do as outlined, I'd start with 300/500 and use the lower doses the last week or two, or even cut the cycle down to 8 weeks and run 300/500 straight thru............

Your goals are definitely attainable. Be sure to have your counter measures to combat gyno etc.......

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thanks for the opinion....but what about what to eat and how to train from week 11 to 16?

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I forgot to mention.... A little unsure of why you are doing that with clen... Why not using it in the typical fashion?

As for eating and training, your body will still have active test and deca for 1 to 2 weeks after your last injection, which is the reason for the delay in taking the clomid.....

So ease up on your training and total calorie consumption a bit, as you won't have full effects going and you don't want to overtrain or put on fat, because you aren't using all the cals.... People often get discouraged post cycle, cuz their increased strength starts to fade..... Just keep in mind how far ahead you are from where you started, not from your peak during the cycle.....

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I don't understand what the typical fashion of clen is...please explain. What i have heard with clen is that it is only effective for two straight weeks...that is why I am using ECA stack in between two clen weeks. What do you think?

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The "typical clen cycle" that I was referring to was 2 weeks on, 2 off, starting low at first, not knowing how your body reacts... example: Day 1, 20mcg, day 2, 40 mcg, until you reach your untolerable level, say 100 or 120 mcg, then back down one notch for the remainder of the time. Then the second cycle you know you tolerance level, so start there, try and go up one, if no, then stay at that level.......

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any more suggestions?

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TS gave ya some good info.

I'm not real good with clen cycles, so I wont really suggest much, except 40 to 60mcg might be a little low. remember to spread the dose out thru the day and try not to take much in the evening as you probably wont be able to sleep if you do. I dont see the problem with the 2 weeks on, 2 weeks of clen/eca rotation. try to get more help on that thou.
