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Cellulitus...from Prop?? Anyone?

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I am injecting Prop at 200mg eod and so far the past 2 shot that I have taken are hurting like a bitch but also they are leaving me with a little bit of brusing...thats only the start the other thing is that my skin turned real red around the injection spot and has spread from my delt to my lower biceps almost to my elbow...It is very warm to touch and it almost looks like a sun burn...
I have gotten the Prop from a underground I am thinking is there any way that I can keep from this....I am thinking that it might cellulitus or infection? But also I was thinking it might jsut be the high concentration of alcohol in the prop.....Can I heat the bottle before injection to make sure its sterile and won't have those bad sympotoms.


Please read all of this!

Well for the record I didn't use a bad needle I always draw with what on the syring then I change needles.... the stupid thing I did was in the fall during camp I was thinking of doing low dosages of Prop for the entire season....well I drew up the Prop then I decided not to use it caped the syring and put it in a hiding spot...I didn't put the test back in the vial...and left it sitting in there...because I forgot about it...and then when I left home for Christmas I remembered and shot it back in the vial...which I think contaminated the whole vial...because it had been sitting in a syring exposed to the air for I am thinking almost 3 months maybe not that long....could that be it??

Well yesterday I was filling better and then the other delt shot that I shot in on Tuesday has kicked in and now I am dragging and got upset stomack (maybe from worrying) the first shot is not that bad anymore and feels a little warm and I think that redness has gone away a little.... but the second shot that I did on Tuesday has gotten red and feels like it is on fire...very tender to touch...and is very warm....

Now I did a shot from a different vial in the glute and it was painless going in unlike the others and so far so good...thats why I think was just a bad vial....because of ME!

So now what do I do... ICE, HEAT, open to any suggestions....I can't really go to the trainers or the doc at the school to get anti-biatics (sp?) that just would not go over real well...I need some help thanks for everything guys UTVOL

another thing...can I heat that vial incase I need it for latter on in the cycle?? I mean will heating sterilize it??

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try heating it at 200-250 degrees for 10 minutes at a time. Do it three times. Thaty may help. You may want to think about adding a little benzyl alcohol too... but personally I think that vial is shot bro. Fuckin toss the shit or sell it to somone you've got a grudge against. heh heh heh.

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what about ICE or heat can I stop the pain and the swelling....I got some celebrex and alot of Advil

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