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Bulk Cycle ?

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I am 25 years old, 5'7 195lbs 16% bf, this will be my 5th gear cycle.

WEEK 1 1cc T-200 1cc EQ 1/2cc deca 40mg p/day D-bol
WEEK 2 1cc T-200 1cc EQ 1/2cc Deca 40mg p/day D-Bol
WEEK 3 1cc T-200 2cc EQ 1cc Deca
WEEK 4 1cc T-200 2cc EQ 2cc Deca
WEEK 5 1cc T-200 2cc EQ 2cc Deca 40mg p/day D-bol
WEEK 6 1cc T-200 2cc EQ 1cc Deca 40mg p/day D-Bol
WEEK 7 1cc T-200 1cc EQ 1/2cc Deca
WEEK 8 1cc T-200 1cc EQ 1/2cc Deca
WEEK 9 100mg p/day clomid
WEEK 10 50mg p/day Clomid
WEEK 11 50mg p/day Clomid

The Test Cyp. is made by Geneza labs. I've been getting mixed opinions on that, whats your opinion? Thanks Bros

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hey bro, looks good, but a few suggestions:

I wouldnt taper the EQ or the Deca, just run it at one level for the full 8 weeks. Also, I dont know why you are splitting up the Dbol from weeks 1-2, then weeks 4-6. I would run it straight for the first four weeks, it will give your cycle a little kick until the EQ and Deca kick in. I think the test doseage might be low, but if you can grow off 200mg/week, then by all means keep it at that.


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Thanks, what do you know about Geneza?

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I agree with CMF. Keep the EQ and Deca level throughout the cycle. As for the Geneza gear, well, I would avoid any and all Mexican gear if I could. Too much of it is either fake, or under dosed. If you can get some Gold Line, or even Dragon Pharma stuff, I think you have a better chance of actually receiving what you order. Either do that or double up on your doses. That way you have a better than even chance of getting the dose level you desire.

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Bump Adren. I would not run eq and deca same cycle and for sure bump the test. If this is your 5th gear cycle what were u on before and how low were the doses. If u wanna bulk bump it up . IMO
