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Blood in my Shit

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try charmin plus (with aloe). i know the feelin bro. i shit 6 times a day & it aint fun, although i do get alot of reading done. "some people come to sit and think, others come to shit and stink" ode to the toilet, author unknown.

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I would say it is most likely hemorrhoids. It is possible to be a lower GI bleed, but with such a small amount that's unlikely. If the stools are "black tarry" that is digested blood which is indicative of an upper GI bleed. Either way, you should see your physician. I don't agree with the "just wiping" theory. If it was caused by wiping, your anus would be painfully raw and irritated and you would probably only notice a small smear on the TP. A good rule of the thumb is if you have blood coming from some where and you can't locate the source, see your doc!

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yes it happens to me also in off season(winter months) when im squatting and pulling heavy deads

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I had that problem with some of CVB's prop. I dropped it out and had no trouble. I added it in there again cuz I had a few amps left over and I had the same problem again the next day. I don't know if it was just bad gear or what the deal was... haven't had a problem with anything else though.

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say bra, if the blood is bright red it means that you just have a tear in your ass and your're ok. if it is black then you have a serious problem and you need to see a doc.;)

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When My appetite's really good and I'm stuffing myself - I might shit 3 -4 tops a day. You guy's certainly know alot about shitting

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