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Are androgens the "missing link" in HRT?

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My GF, who is 47, has made the recurring observation that whenever she uses certain prosteroids or prohormones, hot flashes and "other stuff" related to hormone fluctuations tend to level off at first, then cease altogether after about two weeks or so. Naturally, this is a benefit that she loves.

She has used herbal estrogen mimickers such as black cohosh and red clover, as well as vitex in the past with some degree of success, but she has had greater success with 4AD topical products using between 50mg and 100mg/day and more recently, M4OHN at 4mg/day.

I'm curious as to whether other 40ish or older women who have used androgens may have noticed similar results. Although it's not statistically valid to extrapolate results from a sample population of one, my GF's results have me wondering whether medically prescribed HRT would be more effective (and perhaps less risky?) if low dose Testosterone was included in the mix.

I am also curious as to whether any of the purported non-androgen testosterone booster on the market could produce a similar effect. Your thoughts on all of this will be appreciated.

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There is a new test patch specifically designed for woman. I believe the name is something like femera. There is evidence that adding test to traditonal HRT for women may actualy reduce the the hormone therapy-associated breast cancer risk to that of the untreated proulation as well as regulate depression and hip fat storage. Too much on the other hand may not be better as there are some side effects. There are several abstarcts on Medline and other such databases.

Don't know about the other non-androgen test boosters. I guess you are refering to Tribulus and that bunch?

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I've had the same experience as your girlfriend. I'm 48. 19-Nor doil and diones worked well for me as well as 1,4- Andro. I an going to give 4-AD a try next, probably with 19-Nordiol.
I have seen improvements in my skin texture and tightness, elimination of hot flashes and and improvements in my training. I hit a wall in my training a couple of years ago mainly due to menopausal reasons and the prohormones have really helped me get past it. Not only physically, but mentally also.
But doc's are gonna be hesitant to prescribe anything that is not mainstream. So I figure I will just "self-medicate".

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Posted by: @SJA
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Update: she's currently having similar success with 1 mg. of mdien per day.
