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anyone made their own deca, test enth, cialis, etc?

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A friend of a friend of a friend of mine has been able to acquire the powders for enth, deca, prop, cyp, proviron, etc. etc...

Anyone know a good site or have experience in brewing their own gear? What process is involved? I'm assuming it's just disolving the powder into a base with the proper ratios, steralizing, and you're good to go. But I'm not 100% positive.

Any advice is appreciated.


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It's pretty easy actually..Just need some Seasame Oil or Grapeseed oil or Peanut oil (carful on the peanut oil as some are allergic to it and could be a very bad situation)


Some filters and vials and syringes...

PM me and i can shoot ya in the right direction for alot of recipies...Dont have the link on me so i have to look it up..

iroc swole
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sunflower seed oil, BA, and BB are needed for injectables. and a sterile environment.

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sounds simple enough. I guess Sunflower seed oil is the way to go.

So I'm going to need BA (benzyl alcohol).. and BB (Boldenolone base), and the oil.

Anyone have a website with the actual recipies and how much I'd need of each if I were to buy some powdered Test enth, Stanozolol, or whatever for personal use? I'm thinking of home brewing my entire next cycle...


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10g boldenone Undeclynate "Powder"
7.5ml of Benzyl Benzoate
2.5ml of Benzyl Alcohol
32ml of your favourite Oil
20CC Syringe
12CC Syringe
2 18ga needles, 1 25ga Needle
.45 Sterile Whatman Filter
50ml Sterile Vial
50ml Vial
Electric Scale
Rubbing Alchol/Paper Towels

You can use this recipie for deca also. If you want more info on homebrew you should check out Anabolicminds, they have a ton of info and a couple recipies that will help you alot...

P.S. just to clarify BB=Benzyl Benzoate not Boldenolone base.
Hope this helps.

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Making stuff is easy. A safe way to find the powders???? Now that's tough!

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wel i need to find some stuff to ask it in the open u get scammers en pm some one and they dont know were to get it

later FB

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sounds simple enough. I guess Sunflower seed oil is the way to go.

So I'm going to need BA (benzyl alcohol).. and BB (Boldenolone base), and the oil.

Anyone have a website with the actual recipies and how much I'd need of each if I were to buy some powdered test enth, Stanozolol, or whatever for personal use? I'm thinking of home brewing my entire next cycle...

Boldenolone base? I think you mean benzyl benzoate.

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Boldenolone base? I think you mean benzyl benzoate.

Actually, He means EQ Suspension. There are a few places where one can accquire (sp) the shorter acting versions of EQ. I have not tried them myself. However, I have heard that the EQ Base and the EQ Acetate can be very painful b/c it requires more BA than reg eq does.

