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anyone done a d-bol only???

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Im very curious if anyone has done jsut a D-bol only cycle. IF so please post the effects, were the gains keepable at all. I was thinking about trying this say 30mg/day for 6weeks. Using Arimidex@.25mg/ed or maybe jsut nolva if i feel the sides.

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I know of ppl doing them and got ok results but you'd be much better off with some type of injectable if at all possible.

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Not me!

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I wouldn't waste the time, money or stress on your body.......

Chest Rockwell
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Definitely add some injectable test with that. Most people who ask about oral only cycles fear the needle or don't want to deal with the injection hastle. But you get over that quick once you start getting muscles. 😀 Look into some sus, enanthate, or cypionate to go with that d-bol and your gains will improve dramatically.

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My first time I used just Reforvit-B and I ended up gaining 20 pounds. But I lost at least 10 pounds right after I finished. I kept my calorie intake high, so I am sure most of that "gain" was water. I didn't have adverse side effects from it.

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I agree with what everyone said.

keep something in mind. Dbol, although great for kicking off a stack, is kinda notorious for water retention/bloat. so you think you've gained pretty good, but when you get off, it goes away.

I knew a kid who did a pretty heavy dbol cycle, got all pufferfished and gained some pretty good strength. as soon as he was off, he shrunk back down and lost a lot of his strength gains.

make you best gains thru smart stacks and correctly ending the cycle (with correct nutrition, training, etc etc which is the key). if you dont want to go with a stack, look into a better single AAS like a blended test or something.

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Personally, I'm of the opinion that you can pretty much keep gains from anything if you modify your diet and training correctly. Most people keep trying to train like they're still on the gear... and your body just can't recover fast enough. This compounds the stress already put on your body and you lose alot.

I have a good friend that did a dbol only cycle. 35mg/day for 6 weeks and was up 22lbs, kept about 15-17 of that (his training and diet were kinda crappy at the end too.)

Either way... why do a dbol only cycle? Sure, you may be able to keep alot of it, but why make it harder on yourself? Intramusculars are easy to come by, usually cheaper on a gains/cost basis, have fewer sides and are usually far less taxing on your system in the end.
