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what is alphelion some suggested it to me, I have no idea what it is or what it can do for some one, if anyone knows what it is please help

I dont know if I spelled it right.

2gun: 2gun:

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Alphelion - the point in the path of a celestial body (as a planet) that is farthest from the sun.
It can improve your vocabulary! 😀

PS. Sometimes newbies just crack me up! LOL!

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preciate that, i was able to find that out my self, but as a supplement or type of juice I have never heard of it not could I find anything about it anywhere, I figured it may be a street name for it. but thatnks anyways

p.s. I may be a newbie but I am smart enough to do a lttle research but I put stuff in my body. give me some credit for that.


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Hey Sweber18, don't worry about it bro, some of the guys and gals on this board don't feel fulfilled unless they belittle people. Ignore it.

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C'mon,Sweber, take it easy,man. No offence but it was pretty funny. As for street names, when you run a search on a drug it usually comes up one way or another. If it doesn't - your source probably messed it up. Anyway, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Peace,bro.

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I think thats a hemmoroid cream. If you rub it all over your body you'll gain like 50lbs. LOL

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Originally posted by Doug_N
I think thats a hemmoroid cream. If you rub it all over your body you'll gain like 50lbs. LOL

ROTFLMAO!! Doug_N...what is a newbie actually read that and did it?? LOL 😀

iroc swole
Eminent Member
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I think thats a hemmoroid cream. If you rub it all over your body you'll gain like 50lbs. LOL

OMG! i almost fell out of my chair on that one.
