Just wondering what's been the experience of others with Accutane. Right now I'm trying 40mg per day. 20 in the morning and 20 at night. I'm prone to bacne even without AAS. Nothing severe but it's always there. The thing is that while it would seem logical to up the dose if I'm still breaking out I'm hesitant because the Accutane is drying out my skin bad. Where I'm at it's 90 degrees and humid as hell and I still need to carry around chap stick. And I should also add that I've been taking accutane for about 3 weeks now. Is that too quick to expect to see results?
I was taking 20mg Ed for a few months. I started seeing results in around a week
Accutane should be run 5-6 months at about 20mg daily. Some low dose studies came out proving lower doses work just as well as higher doses but with less side effects.
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So I wonder if that means I should lower my dose and just give it some more time? It would certainly make my script last longer. Part of the problem I'm no doubt is that I have a good amount of back hair and I'm in the military so I'm always in uniform. So the combination of hair, sweat, and being covered in several layers of clothing all day long isn't helping I'm sure.
It will take more time to alter your DNA. It will take months.
All posts are for entertainment and may contain fiction. Consult a medical doctor before using any medication. heavyiron does not advocate readers engage in any illegal activity.
It will take more time to alter your DNA. It will take months.
does it really alter the dna?
any studies to show this?
I took Accutane for 3 months.
Acne disappeared. Felt and looked good getting off of it.
Few months later it was back on my chest. 🙁
does it really alter the dna?
any studies to show this?
Its pretty basic info just Google it. Here is a description of the action of accutane;
How Does Accutane Work?
The structure of Accutane is very similar to that of Vitamin A. Its classification is as a retinoid, which work to alter DNA transcriptions. This ability makes it effective in reducing the output as well as the size of the sebaceous glands, making them not as sticky so that they slough off bacteria that typically cause whiteheads and blackheads to form. It also works as an antibiotic, getting rid of the bacteria that is on the skin that causes breakouts.
At the cellular level, Accutane encourages healing in four different ways. The first is the reduction to the size to the sebaceous glands by 30 to 60 percent. This decreases the amount oil that is produced by almost 80%. A more controlled oil production decreases the likelihood of infections and breakouts, also reducing the presences of acne causing bacteria. It also works to slow the production of new skin cells in the pores, this helps to decrease the likelihood of clogs which can lead to acne. Finally, it works as an anti-inflammatory agent to lessen the swelling and the irritation that is caused by forming acne.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4464961
All posts are for entertainment and may contain fiction. Consult a medical doctor before using any medication. heavyiron does not advocate readers engage in any illegal activity.
Accutane should be run 5-6 months at about 20mg daily. Some low dose studies came out proving lower doses work just as well as higher doses but with less side effects.
Would the 20 mg dose be at the low end or do the studies show effectiveness going even lower? I took Accutane in college and I remember it really drying my skin so if acne presents during a cycle I'd want to start at the lowest effective dose possible.
on 20mg how bad does it trash lipids ?
on 20mg how bad does it trash lipids ?
That's one of those things that only blood tests can verify. Assuming normal liver function and no other hepatic strain from orals or dollar beer night it shouldn't trash them at all. Obviously blood tests should be run on cycle anyway but if you take accutane it would definitely be in your best interest to get your triglycerides looked at to see how you respond to it.
Damn, that can't be your only option is it? I've used tetracycline and/or doxycyline before with success. It's possible Accutane may cause long term changes/damage to your DNA some of which may be irreversable. Not to mention what it does to your hormones
Isotretinoin Influences Pituitary Hormone Levels in Acne Patients