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aas amounts basics and me

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Whats up bros?! I've been doing a lot of reading here for a couple of weeks and have learned a tremendous amount about cycles, gear, nutrition, workout routines, etc. Awesome site with some great and knowledgable guys here!

I was hoping some of you generous bros could help me with my cycle. Here's my info:
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175
Lift 6 days/week

This is my first cycle of AAS. Here's what I have...10ml 250mg/ml TEST-400, 10 ml 200mg/ml deca and 50ml Dbol (enough dbol for a couple of cycles I know). From what I've read here I decided to go with the following plan so far with a few variables still unknown:

1-5 250mg 200mg 2gel caps/day
6-10 250mg 200mg
10-13 not sure?

I've been reading some more and I keep seeing recommendations for a first time gear taker to go with 400mg deca and 500mg sust etc/ the plan above going to be enough per week or am I undergeared? Also, with the fast acting thing, will one shot of deca and test be ok per week or should I spread it out twice a week or every other day? Should I have any Nolvadex on hand in case gyno rears it's ugly head?

Oh, will aerobic exercise every other day say 30 mins or so help me in any way while gearing up or will that be counterproductive to the freaky mass building plan?

Much respect to your knowledge.


ps. Although I've searched probably hundreds of threads and posts, if any of you could guide me to some good threads that discuss the difference between class I and class II gear and what long acting and short acting is all about I'd really appreciate that too. I've found some but I'm still a little confused.

I'll be glad to provide any other info. Just ask

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ok, let's try to go in order here.

thanks for reading so much prior to posting questions

2 gel caps a day on the dbol I'm assuming....what's that dose come out to? based on your other doses, I wouldnt go over say 30mgs ed

the gear amount is up to you. I'm a fan of lighter cycles, and that one for your first should put some mass on you. again....its debateable and up to you.

always have nolvadex on hand for gyno. always.

clomid week 10 and 12, 50mgs daily, 100mgs daily week 11. or something to that affect

on the aerobics.....fine, just be sure and dont burn up too many calories. you'll be needing those calories to build muscle.

good luck!

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Thanks for the input TG. I start Monday and I'm pretty psyched. I still need to get some novalex and I guess I'd better hook that up on the double. 😀

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bro- if it really is test400 made by Denkall then it is 400 mg/ml, not 250 mg/ml.

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good point bigkap...i was just gonna post that...heads up cgg..!

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lol, oops, the test 400 is on the way for cycle 2, what I have right now is "aratest" which I believe is a combination of 2 different tests...1. Testosterone Propionate (50mg) and 2. Testosterone Enanthate (200mg) for a total of 250mg/ml. Sorry for the mixup.
