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3rd cycle for old guy?

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I am 55, 5'11" 210lbs. Have 2 cycles under belt. Gined about 20 lbs on first and 10 on 2nd. Biggest problem is not eating enough. Anyway, am lookinng at 3rd cycle. Have had little sides with previous cycles. Just a little bloating but went away. First cyce was Test/deca. Second was Test/eq. Test was 500mg week,EQ was 400 mg. For my 3rd am looking at 750 mg test/ 500 deca a week. Dbol'>D-bol week 1-4 and of course pct. Waht are your thoughts?

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How long were your cycles? You probably hit the nail on the head when you said " not eating enough". Do a search on nutrition and dieting. This is the key my friend.

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I am 55, 5'11" 210lbs. Have 2 cycles under belt. Gined about 20 lbs on first and 10 on 2nd. Biggest problem is not eating enough. Anyway, am lookinng at 3rd cycle. Have had little sides with previous cycles. Just a little bloating but went away. First cyce was Test/deca. Second was Test/eq. Test was 500mg week,EQ was 400 mg. For my 3rd am looking at 750 mg test/ 500 deca a week. D-bol week 1-4 and of course pct. Waht are your thoughts?
I like it a lot but move the Dbol to the end of the cycle. Try dbol at 30mg ed weeks 9-12. My thinking here is that your last inject of test/deca will be week 10. Taking the dbol now carries you into pct with virtually no loss of strength as your test levels drop. Week 13 start your pct. Don't forget Arimidex and nol.

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for that reason, you may want to include EQ instead of deca. EQ will stimulate your appetite and force you to eat.
I'd run the dbol up front too.

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for that reason, you may want to include EQ instead of deca. EQ will stimulate your appetite and force you to eat.
I'd run the dbol up front too.

Gotta bump Buff on this.....Eq makes me eat everything in

I see no need in going over 400mgs on the EQ. Run some masteron throughout the cycle as well.

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I've got a question if you're 55 then why in hell are you coming completely off the test? If I were you I would run a small to moderate amount of test year round as HRT (say 100-200 mgs per week), and then ramp it up come cycle time.

As far as the eating goes I also can think of better things to do, but I do make sure that I have a protein shake every 2 hours (70 grams protein, and 2 tablespoons of flax). This way even if you only get 1-2 solid meals you're still getting more than enough protein for muscle growth.

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Just a thought, but the DBOL is also an appetite suppresant. That is why it is used in a lot of preshow cycles, especially in the beginning of the cycle. I would agree with the EQ info though, definite appetite stimulant. If, for some reason you must use and oral, and I am not sure why, then use soemthing with a higher Anabolic/Androgenic ratio. Finally, get your food intake up! Good luck!
